Faye-Marie is a native of the Bronx, NY and received her B.S. from Stony Brook University, where she studied biochemistry and Russian Studies. She went on to MIT to receive a Ph.D. in Biology; her doctoral research focused on enhancing the field’s understanding of how DNA-damage response mechanisms can modulate chemotherapeutic resistance in drug-resistant lung cancer. She also was an AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow in the Directorate for STEM Education at the (US) National Science Foundation.

Currently Faye-Marie is a STEM Education, Equity, and Inclusion Postdoctoral Research Fellow here at Stanford in the groups of Dr. Bryan Brown (GSE) and Dr. Hideo Mabuchi (Applied Physics/ HAI). To better elucidate key factors that contribute to pervasive issues of racial-ethnic and gender inequities in undergraduate STEM pathways, Faye-Marie’s postdoctoral research centers on how undergraduate students from groups historically marginalized in STEM experience and navigate the culture of STEM in college. Faye-Marie is particularly interested in helping advance the field’s understanding of how STEM norms in academia interact with STEM identity development among students from groups historically marginalized in STEM and how this may shape STEM pathway decisions in the undergraduate context and beyond.