The multi-engagement model: understanding diverse pathways to student success at research universities

Center for Studies in Higher Education, 2025

Igor Chirikov, John Douglass & Gregg Thomson

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Distance to degrees: how college proximity shapes students’ enrollment choices and attainment across race-ethnicity and socioeconomic status

NBER, 2025

Riley K. Acton, Kalena Cortes, Lois Miller & Camila Morales

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Gender segregation and decision-making in undergraduate course-taking

Fresh insight on how gender shapes academic progress in college

Sociological Science, 2024

Marissa E. Thompson, Tobias Dalberg, and Elizabeth E. Bruch

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Multiple meanings of college: How adult students make sense of higher education and why it matters

Adults return to college for many reasons beyond career advancement. It's important to honor and celebrate this.

CAEL/Pathways/Strada 2024

Melanie Shimano and Becky Klein-Collins

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A bridge to graduation: post-secondary effects of an alternative pathway for students who fail high school exit exams

Multiple routes to college and career

Education Finance and Policy, 2024

Jane Arnold Lincove, Kalena Cortes, and Catherine Mata

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Degrees of Risk: Navigating Insecurity and Inequality in Public Higher Education

A careful look at how different kinds of students navigate similar academic environments

University of Chicago Press, 2024

Blake R. Silver

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Major selection as iteration: observing gendered patterns of major selection under elective curriculums

Major declaration is not a "one and done," and gender has a lot to do with how declaration unfolds.

AERA Open, 2024

Tobias Dalberg, Kalena E. Cortes, and Mitchell L. Stevens

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Income and campus application disparities among European and non-European heritage Hispanic undergraduate applicants

Negotiating identity at a pivotal moment in the life course

PNAS Nexus, 2024

AJ Alvero, Sonia Giebel, and Francis A Pearman II

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Multilingualism and mismatching: Spanish language usage in college admissions essays

Strategic use of the Spanish language in a high-stakes evaluation

Poetics, 2024

AJ Alvero and Rebecca Pattichis

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From pipelines to pathways in the study of academic progress

Enabling the study education and learning as sequential phenomena

Science, 2023

Rene F. Kizilcec, Rachel B. Baker, Elizabeth Bruch, Kalena E. Cortes, Laura T. Hamilton, Zachary A. Pardos, Marissa E. Thompson, and Mitchell L. Stevens

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Supporting interviews with technology: How software integration can benefit participants and interviewers

How can interview researchers take advantage of web-based platforms?

Contemporary Social Science, 2022

Monique H. Harrison and Philip A. Hernandez

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Forecasting undergraduate majors: A natural language approach

Predicting college pathways based on early coursework

AERA Open, 2022

David Lang, Alex Wang, Nathan Dalal, Andreas Paepcke and Mitchell L. Stevens

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Signaled or suppressed? How gender informs women’s undergraduate applications in biology and engineering

How is gender reflected in college application materials?

Socius, 2022

Sonia Giebel, AJ Alvero, Ben Gebre-Medhin and anthony lising antonio

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Application essays and the ritual production of merit in US selective admissions

What are college application essays for?

Poetics, 2022

Ben Gebre-Medhin, Sonia Giebel, AJ Alvero, anthony lising antonio, Benjamin W. Domingue, and Mitchell L. Stevens

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From bat mitzvah to the bar: Religious habitus, self-concept, and women’s educational outcomes

How religious commitment shapes educational progress across the early life course

American Sociological Review, 2022

Ilana M. Horwitz, Kaylee T. Matheny, Krystal Laryea, and Landon Schnabel

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Should I start at MATH 101? Content repetition as an academic strategy in elective curriculums

How do undergraduates make their first course decisions, and are these decisions fateful?

Sociology of Education, 2022

Monique H. Harrison, A. Philip Hernandez, and Mitchell L. Stevens

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NSF report: An applied science to support working learners

Concise recommendations from a national peer review


Mitchell L. Stevens, Galeana Drew Alston, Marie Cini, Sean Gallagher, Ilana Horwitz, Cathrael Kazin, Pamela Clouser McCann, Zach Pardos, Elizabeth A. Roumell, Hadass Sheffer, Holly Zanville, Richard Settersten

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Reimagining education for a new map of life

How should we change education to better serve longer lives?

Stanford Center on Longevity, 2021

Ilana M. Horwitz & Mitchell L. Stevens

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Essay content is strongly related to household Income and SAT Scores: Evidence from 60,000 undergraduate applications

College application essays in an era of machine reading

Science Advances, 2021

AJ Alvero, Sonia Giebel, Ben Gebre-Medhin, anthony lising antonio, Mitchell L. Stevens and Benjamin W. Domingue

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Ambiguous credentials: How learners use and make sense of massively open online courses

What good is a MOOC?

Journal of Higher Education, 2021

Krystal Laryea, Kathy Mirzaei, Andreas Paepcke & Mitchell Stevens

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Studying undergraduate course consideration at scale

What role does course consideration play in college students' pathways?

AERA Open, 2021

Sorathan Chaturapruek, Tobias Dalberg, Rene F. Kizilcec, Marissa E. Thompson, Sonia Giebel, Monique Harrison, Ramesh Johari, and Mitchell L. Stevens

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The confidence gap predicts the gender pay gap among STEM graduates

How is self-confidence related to the gender wage gap in STEM?

PNAS, 2020

Adina D. Sterling, Marissa E. Thompson, Shiya Wang, Abisola Kusimo, Shannon Gilmartin, and Sheri Sheppard

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Building tomorrow’s workforce today: Twin proposals for the future of learning, opportunity and work

A federal policy proposal to assist adult learners in the wake of the pandemic

Hamilton Project / Brookings, 2020

Richard Arum & Mitchell L. Stevens

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Course reviews reveal gender differences and other scientific insight about the students who submit them

What's in a course review?

David Lang, Youjie Chin, Andreas Paepcke, and Mitchell L. Stevens

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Reinforcement learning for the adaptive scheduling of educational activities

Can reinforcement models improve learning?

Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2020

Jonathan Bassen, Bharathan Balaji, Michael Schaarschmidt, Candace Thille, Jay Painter, Dawn Zimmaro, Alex Games, Ethan Fast, and John C. Mitchell

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AI and holistic review: Informing human reading in college admissions

Can AI improve holistic review?

Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES), 2020

AJ Alvero, Noah Arthurs, anthony lising antonio, Benjamin W. Domingue, Ben Gebre-Medhin, Sonia Giebel, and Mitchell L. Stevens

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Is faster better? A study of video playback speed

Fast forward?

Learning Analytics and Knowledge, 2020

David Lang, Guanling Chen, Kathy Mirzaei, and Andreas Paepcke

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Whose truth is the “ground truth”? College admissions essays and bias in word vector evaluation methods

Are word vector evaluation methods biased?

Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM), 2020

Noah Arthurs and AJ Alvero

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Using latent variable models to observe academic pathways

How are student enrollment decisions best modeled with large-scale datasets?

Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of Educational Data Mining (EDM), 2019

Nate Gruver, Ali Malik, Brahm Capoor, Chris Piech, Mitchell L. Stevens, and Andreas Paepcke

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Via: Illuminating undergraduate academic pathways at scale

Which courses, and why?

Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Conference on Learning at Scale (L@S), 2019

Geoffrey Angus, Richard Diehl Martinez, Mitchell L. Stevens, and Andreas Paepcke

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Choices, identities, paths: Understanding college students’ academic decisions

How do students choose their courses?

Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA), 2018

Mitchell L. Stevens, Monique H. Harrison, Marissa E. Thompson, Arik Lifschitz, and Sorathan Chaturapruek

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How a data-driven course planning tool affects college students’ GPA: Evidence from two field experiments

How does a course planning tool affect college students’ grades?

Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Learning at Scale (L@S), 2018

Sorathan Chaturapruek, Thomas S. Dee, Ramesh Johari, René F. Kizilcec and Mitchell L. Stevens

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OARS: Exploring instructor analytics for online learning

How can learning analytics systems improve online education?

Proceedings of the Fifth Annual ACM Conference on Learning at Scale, 2018

Jonathan Bassen, Iris Howley, Ethan Fast, John Mitchell, and Candace Thille

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Setting the table: Responsible use of student data in higher education

What does it mean to use student data responsibly?

EDUCAUSE Review, 2018

Martin Kurzweil and Mitchell L. Stevens

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Making the grade: How learner engagement changes after passing a course

How does online learners' course engagement evolve?

Educational Data Mining, 2017

Ben Domingue, Alex Kindel, and Andreas Paepcke

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An ethically ambitious higher education data science

How do we pivot from rule compliance to ethical proaction?

Research and Practice in Assessment, 2014

Mitchell L. Stevens

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